Lavabos Porcelana Rectangular The Bath Collection

The Bath Collection

Rectangular Porcelain Washbasins

4184_AMBERES 50 4184_AMBERES 50


REF. 4184
500 x 420 x 130 mm

REF. 4183
605 x 425 x 125 mm

Lavabo sobre encimera Anabel | The Bath Collection Ref. 0091 Lavabo sobre encimera Anabel | The Bath Collection Ref. 0091


REF. 0091
500x360x110 mm

Lavabo sobre encimera Aragon | The Bath Collection Ref. 4001 Lavabo sobre encimera Aragon | The Bath Collection Ref. 4001


REF. 4001
500x405x100 mm

Lavabo pedestal Arenas de Bathco 4164 Lavabo Arenas de Bathco


REF. 4164
400x400x835 mm

4123 lavabo de Porcelana Besaya de Bathco 4123 lavabo de Porcelana Besaya de Bathco


REF. 4123

Lavabo sobre encimera Bolonia | The Bath Collection Ref. 0010A Lavabo sobre encimera Bolonia | The Bath Collection Ref. 0010


REF. 0010

REF. 0010A
510x455x155mm Esmaltado por las cuatro caras / Glazed on four sides

Lavabo de porcelana Brujas de Bathco Ref.: 4110 Lavabo de porcelana Brujas de Bathco Ref.: 4110


REF. 4110

Lavabo de porcelana Bruselas Ref.: 4108 4108 Lavabo Bruselas de Bathco


REF. 4108
900x420x135 mm.

REF. 4106
600x420x135 mm.

REF. 4105
500x420x135 mm.

Lavabo Bucarest Ref.: 4102 l The Bath Collection Lavabo de porcelana suspendido BUCAREST de 80 de Bathco Ref.: 4102


REF. 4102

REF. 4103

4019 CALIFORNIA jpg 4028_4029_4030_4032_California_web

California 70

REF. 4029
700x390x150 mm

Lavabo Cartes de Bathco Lavabo Cartes de Bathco


REF. 4166
450x435x835 mm.

Lavabo Circus de porcelana de Bathco 4162 lavabo circus de bathco

Circus 40

REF. 4162
400x135 mm

REF. 4163
400x135 mm

4160 Lavabo Circus de Bathco 4160 Lavabo CIRCUS de Bathco

Circus 60

REF. 4160
610x405x135 mm

REF. 4161
610x405x135 mm

Lavabo Copenhague Ref.: 4094 Ref.: 4094 Lavabo Copenhague 80


REF. 4094

REF. 4095

Lavabo Dinan cuadrado de porcelana Bathco 4115 Lavabo Dinan de porcelana Bathco 4115

Dinan 40

REF. 4115
385x385x135 mm.

REF. 4115CRU
385x385x135 mm.

REF. 4116
385x385x135 mm.

REF. 4152
385x385x135 mm.

REF. 4153
385x385x135 mm.

Lavabo Dinan de porcelana Bathco 4113 Lavabo Dinan de pocrcelana rectangular Bathco 4113

Dinan 50

REF. 4113
500x390x130 mm.

REF. 4113CRU
500x390x130 mm.

REF. 4114
500x390x130 mm.

REF. 4155
500x390x130 mm.

REF. 4154
500x390x130 mm.

0062_FUNCHAL-Restyling 0062_FUNCHAL-Restyling


REF. 0062
550x445x175 mm

Lavabo sobre encimera Galicia | The Bath Collection Ref. 4003 Lavabo sobre encimera Galicia | The Bath Collection Ref. 4003


REF. 4003
400x400x100 mm

REF. 4004
600x400x100 mm

Lavabo sobre encimera Genova B | The Bath Collection Ref. 4059 Lavabo sobre encimera Genova B | The Bath Collection Ref. 4059

Genova B

REF. 4059
420x420x350 mm

Lavabo sobre encimera Gota | The Bath Collection Ref. 0081 Lavabo sobre encimera Gota | The Bath Collection Ref. 0081


REF. 0081
450x450x120 mm

Lavabo doble poza Hannover 130 | The Bath Collection Ref. H1006 Lavabo doble poza Hannover 130 | The Bath Collection Ref. H1006

Hannover 130

REF. H1006
1320x485x185 mm

Lavabo Helsinki Ref.: 4093 Lavabo Helsinki Ref.: 4093 | Bathco

Helsinki 100

REF. 4093

REF. 4091

Lavabo suspendido Huesca | The Bath Collection Ref. H1003 Lavabo semi-oval Huesca | The Bath Collection Ref. H1003


REF. H1003
800x480x155 mm

Lavabo sobre encimera Ice Cream | The Bath Collection Ref. 0078 Lavabo sobre encimera Ice Cream | The Bath Collection Ref. 0078

Ice Cream

REF. 0078
650x400x120 mm

0017C_isla 0017C_ISLA_dibujo tecnico


Bathco lavabo 4065 Liébana 60 Bathco lavabo 4065 Liebana 60


REF. 4065
610x460x150 mm

REF. 4066
810x460x150 mm

REF. 4067
1010x460x150 mm

REF. 4068
1210x460x150 mm

4185_LIER_WEB_NAVISION 4185_LIER_dibujo tecnico


REF. 4185
455 x 360 x 120 mm

Lavabo de semiencastre Luna | The Bath Collection Ref. 4006 Lavabo de semiencastre Luna | The Bath Collection Ref. 4005


REF. 4005
500x480x100 mm

REF. 4006
650x480x100 mm

Lavabo rectangular de porcelana Manchester Ref.: 0023 Lavabo de semiencastre Manchester | The Bath Collection Ref. 0023


REF. 0023
700x450x150 mm

4186_MONS 4186_MONS_dibujo tecnico


REF. 4186
600 x 360 x 130 mm

Lavabo sobre encimera Nuevo Montevideo Negro | The Bath Collection Ref. 4012 100NEG 4011NEG_NuevoMontevideo


REF. 4012/100NEG
1010x460x160 mm

REF. 4012NEG
810x460x160 mm

REF. 4011NEG
610x460x160 mm

Lavabo rectangular New Magdalena B | Bathco Ref.: 0092BN Lavabo rectangular New Magdalena B | Bathco Ref.: 0092BN

New Magdalena B

REF. 0092BN
575x325x160 mm.

575x325x160 mm.

Lavabo Nilo Ref.: 4088 Lavabo Nilo l The Bath Collection Referencia 4088


REF. 4088

REF. 4089

REF. 4090

Lavabo encimera Nuevo Montevideo | The Bath Collection Ref. 4012 Lavabo encimera Nuevo Montevideo | The Bath Collection Ref. 4012NM

Nuevo Montevideo

REF. 4012NM
810x460x160 mm

4205-NULES40 4205-NULES40-AMBI_WEB_1934x1200

Nules cuadrado

REF. 4205
395 x 395 x 145 mm

4167 Lavabo adaptado adaptado Bathco 4167 Lavabo adaptado Okinawa Bathco


REF. 4167
665X555X235 mm

Lavabo sobre encimera Olea Cuadrado | The Bath Collection Ref. 4071 Lavabo sobre encimera Olea Cuadrado | The Bath Collection Ref. 4071

Olea 40

REF. 4071
410x410x145 mm

Lavabo sobre encimera Olea Rectangular | The Bath Collection Ref. 4072 Lavabo sobre encimera Olea Rectangular | The Bath Collection Ref. 4072

Olea 50

REF. 4072
490x400x145 mm

Lavabo esquinero Oporto | The Bath Collection Ref. 0043 Lavabo esquinero Oporto | The Bath Collection Ref. 0043


REF. 0043
645x470x160 mm

Lavabo Oslo Ref.: 4096 l The Bath Collection REf.: 4096 Lavabo OSLO 80 de Bathco


REF. 4096
800x500x180 mm

REF. 4097
1010x500x185 mm

Lavabo sobre encimera Paris | The Bath Collection Ref. 4055 Lavabo sobre encimera Par


REF. 4055
450x300x100 mm

Lavabo Paraga Ref.: 4099 l The Bath Collection Ref.: 4099 Lavabo Praga 100 The Bath Collection


REF. 4099

REF. 4098

Lavabo Riga Ref.: 4100 l The Bath Collection Lavabo de porcelana suspendido RIGA de 100 de Bathco Ref.: 4101


REF. 4101
1000x450x175 mm

REF. 4100
850x450x175 mm

4168 4168_Sand-waves-38_cuadrado

Sand Waves 38

REF. 4168
385 x 385 x 165 mm

REF. 4175
385 x 385 x 165 mm

4169 4169 sand waves de porcelana de Bathco

Sand Waves 50

REF. 4169
500 x 385 x 165 mm

REF. 4176
500 x 385 x 165 mm

4127_Santoña lavabo Bathco de porcelana 4127_Santoña lavabo Bathco de porcelana


REF. 4127
600x420x130 mm.

REF. 4126
450x420x130 mm.

Lavabo sobre encimera Sardinero | The Bath Collection Ref. 0041 Lavabo sobre encimera Sardinero | The Bath Collection Ref. 0041


REF. 0041
615x375x100 mm

Lavabo sobre encimera Soria | The Bath Collection Ref. 4002 Lavabo sobre encimera Soria | The Bath Collection Ref. 4002


REF. 4002
400x410x180 mm

Medidas Lavabo de bajoencastre Torino B | The Bath Collection Ref. 0051B Medidas Lavabo de bajoencastre Torino D | The Bath Collection Ref. 0051D


REF. 0051B
510x320x180 mm

REF. 0051N
510x380x175 mm

Lavabo pedestal Toscana | The Bath Collection Ref. 4048 Lavabo pedestal Toscana | The Bath Collection Ref. 4048


REF. 4048
460x410x800 mm

Lavabo sobre encimera Tenerife | The Bath Collection Ref. 0017A Lavabo sobre encimera Turin | The Bath Collection Ref. 0017B


REF. 0017B
500x350x120 mm