IES La Granja visits Bathco within the Start Innova 2023-24 program

November 10, 2023 · News update

As part of the Start Innova 2023-24 program, Bathco has welcomed a visit from IES La Granja. The students from this institute had the opportunity to explore the headquarters of Bathco, the company that will guide them throughout the Start Innova program, promoted by El Diario Montañés.

During the visit, participants had the chance to explore Bathco's showroom, specialized in the bathroom sector, where sinks and sanitary ware made from various materials such as porcelain, cement, solid surface, and stone are exhibited. They also learned about the various artistic options developed in the Atelier, a space where a group of artists creates personalized pieces.

Following the tour, a roundtable discussion was held where students presented the projects they are working on and will develop in the coming months. In this initial phase of the program and in the subsequent ones, students from IES La Granja have the support of Eduardo López, commercial director of Bathco, and the entire company team, who will provide them with regular guidance. The common goal is to position some of the projects presented by IES La Granja among the top ranks of the program.