Bathco & Hisbalit organize a new edition of the “Crafts and Trends” Workshop with interior designers from Madrid and Valencia

September 20, 2024 · News update

Bathco and Hisbalit, renowned for their constant commitment to craftsmanship and design, have held a new edition of the "Craftsmanship and Trend" Workshop. On this occasion, leading interior designers from Madrid and Valencia participated in a day that allowed them to gain an in-depth understanding of the artisanal processes that both companies use in the creation of their products.

The event began at Hisbalit’s facilities, the oldest glass mosaic factory in Europe, where attendees had the opportunity to discover the meticulous, manual, and sustainable process behind the production of their mosaics. The designers were impressed by the versatility and creativity these materials offer for future projects.

The day continued at Bathco’s Atelier, where guests witnessed the artistic process that defines the production of their ceramic basins. Each piece is treated as a work of art, with artists applying unique techniques to create personalized and exclusive finishes.

Among the participants were David Puerta and María Daroz from Viruta Lab, Sigfrido Serra, Lucas Mollano and Massimiliano Depalo from Zavan Studio, as well as Claudia López, Mónica Diago, Marisa Gallo, Mar Vera, and Sara de la Moneda from Welcome Design. All highlighted the inspiration gained from the experience and the opportunity to see first-hand the artisanal value of Bathco and Hisbalit’s products.

This workshop reaffirms the importance of collaboration between companies and design professionals to continue innovating in the industry while keeping the tradition of craftsmanship alive in the creation of unique materials and products.