Complementos | The Bath Collection

The Bath Collection


8216 Pedestal barras de acero 8216 Pedestal barras de acero

Stainless steel bars pedestal

REF. 8216
400x200x760 mm.

0301 0302 Encimera de acero inoxidable Bathco Bath Collection Medidas Accesorios incluidos Encimera de acero inox. combinada con encimera de madera. | The Bath Collection Ref. 0301-M

Stainless steel frame combined with wooden top 70

REF. 0301-M WN
700x500x90 mm

REF. 0301-M CE
700x500x90 mm

03010302M 03010302M

Stainless steel frame combined with wooden top 90

REF. 0302-M WN
900x500x90 mm

REF. 0302-M CE
900x500x90 mm

0507 0301_0302C

Stainless steel frame top 70

REF. 0301-C AZ
700x500x90 mm

REF. 0301-C NA
700x500x90 mm

REF. 0301-C VE
700x500x90 mm

Set encimera de acero inox 90 Bathco Set encimera de acero inox 90 Bathco

Stainless steel frame top 90

REF. 0302-C AZ
900x500x90 mm.

REF. 0302-C NA
900x500x90 mm.

REF. 0302-C VE
900x500x90 mm.

Combinada con lavabo de resina. Encimera de acero inox. con accesorios. | The Bath Collection Ref. 0321 Combinada con lavabo de resina. Encimera de acero inox. con accesorios. | The Bath Collection Ref. 0321

Stainless steel frame top with accesories

REF. 0321
700x500x90 mm

Pedestal de acero Pedestal | The Bath Collection Ref. 00108 Pedestal de acero Pedestal | The Bath Collection Ref. 00108

Stainless steel Pedestal

REF. 00108
160x725 mm

H2003-Soporte-toalla-acero2 H2003-Soporte-toalla-acero

Stainless steel support matching

REF. H2003
420x345 mm

Soportes-Acero-8208 Juego soportes de acero Ref.: 8208

Stainless steel support set

REF. 8208
800x340x40 mm.

Soporte de pared de acero con toallero Soporte pared de acero con toallero | The Bath Collection Ref. 00109 Soporte de pared de acero con toallero Soporte pared de acero con toallero | The Bath Collection Ref. 00109

Stainless steel supports with towel rail

REF. 00109
600 mm

REF. 00110
800 mm

Bandeja de acero 304 8208-juego-soportes-de-acero

Stainless steel tray

REF. 8210
580x340 mm.

REF. 8211
780x340 mm.

Ref.: 8112 Contendor de madera de Bathco Ref.: 8113 Mueble palet de madera


REF. 8112
550x300x200 mm.

Medidas Soporte acero recto Soporte de acero recto | The Bath Collection Ref. 00114 Soporte acero recto Soporte de acero recto | The Bath Collection Ref. 00114

Straight stainless steel support

REF. 00114
320x80x85 mm

Encimera de madera de tamarindo para lavabo sobre encimera Ref.: 8115 Encimera de madera de tamarindo para lavabo sobre encimera Ref.: 8115

Tamarind wood top

REF. 8115
1200x500x60 mm.

18096 grifo para lavabo Tasos Bathco Sin título-1

Tasos basin high mixer

REF. 18096
310x50 mm.

18095 grifo Tasos Bathco 4160_CIRCUS_60_02

Tasos basin mixer

REF. 18095

18098 grifo lavabo Bathco 18098_01

Tasos bidet mixer

REF. 18098
154x50 mm.

18100 columna tasos ducha Bathco 18100

Tasos shower column

REF. 18100
1400x490x200 m.

18097 grifo empotrado para lavabo Tasos Bathco 18097

Tasos wall-mounted basin mixer

REF. 18097
248x210x130 mm.

18099 Tasos grifo ducha empotrado 18099

Tasos wall-mounted shower mixer

REF. 18099
1120x450x380 mm.

Encimera troncos teka para lavabo sobre encimera de Bathco Ref.:8214 Encimera troncos teka para lavabo sobre encimera de Bathco Ref.:8214

Teak log top

REF. 8214
800x450x60 mm.

REF. 8215
1200x450x60 mm.


Tecno cabinet and Liebana washbasin 100

REF. 9967BL
1000x470x810 mm.

REF. 9967GR
1000x470x810 mm.

REF. 9967NE
1000x470x810 mm.

REF. 9967RB
1000x470x810 mm.

REF. 9967WN
1000x470x810 mm.

Set Liébana Bathco Bath Collection 800 Set Liébana 820 Bathco Bath Collection

Tecno cabinet and Liebana washbasin 82

REF. 9966BL

REF. 9966GR

REF. 9966NE

REF. 9966RB

REF. 9966WN

Medidas Encimera de madera Encimera | The Bath Collection Ref. 02P Encimera de madera Encimera | The Bath Collection Ref. 02P


600x500x120 mm.

600x500x120 mm.

Combinations Encimera 100 | The Bath Collection Ref. 7003 Combinations Encimera 100 | The Bath Collection Ref. 7003

Top 100

REF. 7003NE
1000x450x150 mm

Encimera para lavabo Miami Encimera 100_ | The Bath Collection Ref. 7005 Encimera para lavabo Miami Encimera 100_ | The Bath Collection Ref. 7005

Top 100_

REF. 7005NE
1000x450x150 mm

REF. 7005BL
1000x450x150 mm

Combinations Encimera 120 | The Bath Collection Ref. 7004 Combinations Encimera 120 | The Bath Collection Ref. 7004

Top 120

REF. 7004NE
1200x450x150 mm

Encimera para lavabo Miami Encimera 120_ | The Bath Collection Ref. 7006 Encimera para lavabo Miami Encimera 120_ | The Bath Collection Ref. 7006

Top 120_

REF. 7006NE
1200x450x150 mm

REF. 7006BL
1200x450x150 mm

Combinations Encimera 60 | The Bath Collection Ref. 7001 Combinations Encimera 60 | The Bath Collection Ref. 7001

Top 60

REF. 7001NE
600x450x150 mm

Combinations Encimera 80 | The Bath Collection Ref. 7002 Combinations Encimera 80 | The Bath Collection Ref. 7002

Top 80

REF. 7002BL
800x450x150 mm