In depth

Mural de Bathco Atelier

Personalising spaces

When decorating any room, we not only display our personality and our tastes but also create spaces where we can relax and enjoy ourselves….

Gold & Silver

Gold & Silver

If you think about the latest fashion in interior design for bathrooms, the last thing that would occur to you would be gold and…

Pascual Salvador

Pascual Salvador

There has been a very clear trend in architecture and interior design in recent years: materials are returning to the spotlight and becoming key…

Art between vineyards

A picture is worth a thousand words… We have developed a project, which could be located at any winery in Spain, to show how…

Urban eclecticism

This Barcelona flat shows that using white on ceilings, walls and floors visually enlarges rooms, and that colour applied through accessories and details adds…


Today innovation is considered a basic force driving development in advanced countries. In a sector as competitive as ceramics, it has become a key…

Chic Montañés

Casa María is the product of a comprehensive renovation of a residence in a rustic-chic style. It involves a gastropub in Herrera de Ibio,…