Infinite number of styles

DELFINDavid Delfín, a Spanish designer and artist born in Ronda, Málaga, in 1970, has developed a washbasin collection for Bathco that fuses everything he has learned and all of his influences and impressions.

His got his big break in 2002 when he presented his Cour des Miracles collection in the Pasarela Cibeles fashion week in Madrid. It was inspired by Magritte and Luis Buñuel, but long before that he had already started to make a name for himself in art galleries, his doorway to the fashion world. Today, his multi-faceted nature has led him to extrapolate his designs to other objects off the runway.

Limitations awaken the imagination

Which came first: the artist or the designer?

I got into fashion through painting. In 1999, after various individual and group shows, and after having worked on paper, canvas, wood, and cardboard, I decided to use old military uniforms as a new medium. In them I found a memory, an imprint: the names of the people who had worn them, grease stains, tears…

What inspires David Delfín?

Fashion lets itself get contaminated by everything! It is influenced and it influences, it is inspired and it, in turn, becomes a source of inspiration. My collections are in a way autobiographical, and everything that touches me in life ends up coming out in my work.

Who inspires David Delfín?

Joseph Beuys, Louise Bourgeois, Diane Arbus, Andy Warhol, Cy Twombly, Douglas Gordon, Jenny Holzer, Goya’s black paintings, Hieronymus Bosch… All of them have served as influences, inspiration, and drivers of my work. The designer also talks about Le Corbusier, Magritte, Luis Buñuel, Bimba Bosé, La Veneno…

What do they have in common as sources of inspiration for you?

I don’t know, it’s a mystery…There are things that fascinate, move, excite passions in me, that capture my attention and interest, that grab me and, even sometimes, drag me places.

Working on a line of washbasins…

Fascinating, thrilling, and fluid. I’m crazy about ceramics, porcelain, stone… Bathco gave me some “canvasses” with marvellous textures and feels, and unparalleled qualities.